

Bronx is an eight month old German Shepard Mix. I, Jillian Langstraat, began fostering him at the age of 15. It all started when I went to the animal shelter to walk a dog. My sister had a completely different dog in mind for us to walk together, but they were already out on a walk at the time. The front desk said that there was no dogs that could be walked at that time, but that we could stay to wait for one. She then realized there was one puppy, a puppy that was found in Columbus Junction, that we could take on a walk. He was not up for adoption or foster due to the week holding period to give the possible owner a chance to get their dog back. During the walk, me and my sister fell in love with him and decided to name him Bronx, since he had no name they were aware of. After that week had passed, they had found out his name was Tonka and he was an owner surrender who was able to be put up for foster or adoption. Me and my sister begged out parents to get him, and it worked! He was four months old when I began fostering him. Ever since the first day he came, he would puke twenty or more times a day. He needed to go to the vet. When he was five months old, and still a foster puppy, he was diagnosed with Megaesophagus. This condition was passed down to him genetically and will never go away. Without proper care he would have died within his first year of life. I am so lucky to have fostered him and found out what was wrong before he became terminally ill. Many adults would not have taken the time and effort it has taken in order to help Bronx through his condition, but I, at the age of 15 and now 16, dedicate my time to making sure he is properly taken care of. Megaesophagus is life threatening if not taken care of. Without him sitting upright after eating, he would regurgitate all of his food up and would not gain any nutrients or weight. We believe this condition may have been a reason that he was surrendered. He has grown from 20lbs to 40lbs since I have began taking care of him. He is very spoiled and taken care of to the absolute best especially regarding his condition. I adopted him on June 11th, 2022. He is now officially mine!


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