

Peanut is a quarantine adoptee. He came to us when he was 6 years old. He was found on the street with sunburns, blistered paws and underweight by a bystander. Took him to a shelter and one of their foster parents took him in and posted his progression, hoping to find someone to adopt him. I came across his profile and told my then-bf that I wanted to meet this cutie. We drove over 2 hours to get to meet him. He was shy and aloof in the beginning, but once he took a treat from me, he started to warm up to us. Two years ago, peanut and I took our first solo trip together and I have been his hooman ever since! But now him and I have to spend some time apart, while he lives with his dad on another state for a job opportunity. I cannot currently take him in the condo I'm in bc of the no pet policy by the owners. But I hope to get him back and spend time with him before I have to return him to his dad. Thank you for reading!


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Diana Cooper
Diana Cooper
a year ago

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