Hi, my name is Elizabeth! Im Rocco’s mom. I am 20 years old, besides Rocco I have another rescue kitty shes 5 years old and her name is Grace. And another maltipoo who’s 1 yr old named Nala. :) I love my babies so much and take care of them very well. I found Rocco on the street under my car in Texas weather heat. He was filled with flees, dehydrated and verrrry hungry,😢 he was about 2 months old. I showered him and removed allll of his flees in one day! I feel in love with Rocco, ive never had a big dog, so i knew hed be a lot of work!! But I knew how bad shelters are, how full of dogs they are, and maybe he’d get adopted but if he wouldn’t go to the right parents they would want to return him and because of the amount of work he is. Besides that Rocco helped me with my anxiety :) so I decided to keep him and take care of him. I took him to the vet and he had round worms and giardia, which as you may think can be very expensive, and because i have other pets i had to take them as well as it is very contagious. Im in so much dept with my credit cards so this if i get this money it would help!! 🥹 Rocco now is 3 months and getting bigger, im so happy to have him with me and wouldn’t like it any other way :))
