

She was brought to the clinic I worked at with 3 of her siblings at 2 days old. They wanted to put them down, as the mother was "a papered Champion Boxer". I bottle fed the whole litter.. breaks and lunch... BEST experience of my life! When the time came for her to "work" she didn't ever stop to think twice! If they had ANY idea what they wanted to do.... they surrendered the litter to my rescue and they are all great dogs! She still steals baby kittens though.... to raise as her own, and she is a great "kitty mom" She has always been there for me, and I will always be there for her!


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Tess Oplinger
Tess Oplinger
I don't know why but I always think that the mammals that have disabilities are the coolest
5 months ago
Tess Oplinger
Tess Oplinger
That's so great to know
5 months ago
Stacy Ford
Stacy Ford
The white Boxer is Mingo, and he was born deaf. He sure taught us alot in the training department!
7 months ago
Stacy Ford
Stacy Ford
She has always been there for me, and I will always be there for her!
7 months ago
Tess Oplinger
Tess Oplinger
and the pugs in the backround. MMMMM
7 months ago

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